Videos Tekhni | Contemporary Art Blog David's Facebook
Messiahtron | Oil on Canvas www.religitrons.com
religitrons.com Where is My Soul: An Anatomical Study of the Body Still-Lifes Series, Shoxs, Butterflies, and such
Islamitron | Oil on Canvas
Baha'itron | Oil on Canvas
Messiahtron | Oil on Canvas Islamitron | Oil on Canvas Baha'itron | Oil on Canvas Messiahtron | Bronze
Messiahtron Blueprint
Islamitron Blueprint
Baha'itron Blueprint
Casting of Messiahtron
Religitrons Press Conference
Still-Lifes Series, Shoxs, Butterflies, and such
Messiahtron Blueprint Messiahtron Blueprint Islamitron Blueprint Islamitron Blueprint
Baha'itron Blueprint Baha'itron Blueprint
Transforming Messiahtron PDF
Starr is Represented by Graphite Galleries in New Orleans
Casting of Messiahtron Re+Myth | FAMILIA | 2010 RELIGITRONS THEME MUSIC | 2005 Tekhni Art Blog
david f starr home page Re + Myth Series www.religitrons.com Where is My Soul: An Anatomical Study of the Body Still - Life Series